THE BARN Roastery's Daterra Reserve is really an excellent choice for a low caffeine option! It is not done through a decaf process so you get the lovely single origin fruit forward notes but without all the caffeine which allows people to drink more delicious coffee without being jittery!
The varietal is Aramosa which is a crossbreed between Arabica and Racemosa. This crossbreeding was performed to inherit Racemosa's low caffeine and drought resistance combined with Arabica's flavor. Because the plant produces less caffeine, the beans always taste very sweet with no bitterness.
For HMMBA, I would love it if you try to obtain more low caffeine options. Common varietals include:
Coffea Lancifolia from Madagascar
Coffea Racemosa from South Africa and Zimbabwe
Arabica Laurina from Central America and Brazil
Keep up the great work of exposing customers to interesting coffee varieties!
Lovely taste, it has chocolate, hazelnut and citrus notes. I have enjoyed this cup although a bit too fruity for a Brazilian bean.
This blend is perfect for those who enjoy a chocolate-forward coffee with nutty undertones and a bright, citrusy lift. It’s a great choice for an afternoon pick-me-up or as a treat during a cozy morning routine.
I’m very pleased with the product I purchased. The quality is excellent, and the staff demonstrated outstanding customer service. I'm glad I chose to buy from you!
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